Monday, August 28, 2006

Christchurch - looking toward the Southern Alps

Looking west from floor 13 of the Rydges Hotel on Oxford Street toward the tree lined banks of the Avon and the trees of the Hagley Park and the Botanic Gardens, and in the far west, New Zealand's Southern Alps. This is the morning that greeted me for my journey on the TranzAlpine express to Greymouth on the West Coast. Here is the hotel on (scroll west some blocks to see the park and gardens).

This image was quite underexposed. I used Gimp to post process it with a neutral density filter and to bring back the colours. I then used NoiseNinja to remove much of the noise. Gimp was then used to resize it to 1024x768 with a little unsharp mask to restore the detail lost from the resize.

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